I've been implementing misc. things to make their life a little easier/fun (god knows there are enough things in the engine to mourn about):
- Server triggered sounds on client
- Server send status messages
- Instant collision calculations (no need to wait a tick before result anymore). This has made an enormous performance boost on startup time.
- No need to copy *.py files to files where binaries is... they're now located amongst the assets as they should've always been
- Bue has been restructuring the src code file hierarchy to be more sane
The current tasks is firstly to fix a bug in scheduleDelete(actor), that keeps the actor hanging around in python but not in the shard registry. This results in the collision handling trying to lookup an actor that does not exist in the shard anymore.
The second task is to boot into windoze (dammit) and see if I find _the_ performance bug that has been hunting us all the time.
Bue is currently rewriting the .scene loading in python. I is currently written in c++, but it has turned out to be smarter to move this into python for two reasons: The instantiantion of objects must be done in python under all circumstances because of boost::python shard_ptr hack (ie. boost::python is doing the hack), the other reason is that it makes it much easier for the game script developer to add custom scene data in the scene file.
Simon and Lasse are finishing up their project and are about to write the report as far as I know.
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