As usual I've been busy at work. Having a deadline 15. August. Anyway, I've managed to do some hacking on steamwinter and here is the list of stuff done:
- Implemented a new actor type that has collision handling like World of warcraft. This new actor is called PhysicInteractor. You can set an interaction force on the new actor type, but also on RigidBody actors. This means that the new actor is able to move other actors with interaction force less that its own. Very convenient.
- Cleaned up the net code
- Made server tick into packages of max 1024 bytes, since it seems that windows is not as good as linux in handling large packages.
- Made a new branch for simplified protocol that uses RMI.
The moving of some of the protocol to RMI is coming along nicely. A simple example of a console connecting with the server:
Cryptonite Console Version 0.1 (build Wed Jul 25 00:01:27 CEST 2007)
File console.cfg requested for reading...
Loading configuration file 'console.cfg': OK!
Waiting for connections on port 12346...
> # Connect to the game server
> s = connect('localhost',12345)
Connecting to server localhost:12345
> # Get the remote session object
> rs = s.remote()
> # Lookup the root object on the game server
> rroot = rs.lookup("Root")
> # Load a scene on the game server
> rroot.loadShard("scene/test2.scene")
> # Join the scene on the game server in order to get ticks etc.
> rroot.joinScene()
Unhandled packet ALST
Unhandled packet CRTE
Unhandled packet FCAC
> Unhandled packet TICK
> # For fun, list the known objects on the game server
> rs.list()
[('TEST', 3L), ('IdentifiableLock', 4L), ('Root', 5L), ('Session from 12346', 6L),
('Shard', 7L), ('TestAxis2', 13L), ('Cross2', 14L), ('QTestBug', 15L),
('Terrain', 16L), ('TerrainLALA', 17L), ('Barrelddd', 18L), ('Barrelddd', 19L),
('Barrel 0', 22L), ('Barrel 1', 23L), ('Barrel 2', 24L), ('Barrel 3', 25L),
('Barrel 0', 26L), ('Barrel 1', 27L), ('Barrel 2', 28L), ('Barrel 3', 29L),
('Player', 31L)]
1 comment:
Weheheee houston! Liftoff!
The Last build allmost never crashes, and Lasse has the latest build up and running in debug mode on both of his machines. I have about 15-25 fps, so their is stil room left for improvement, but its so cool that we can start testing our ideas again. Keep up the good work, soldier :-)
Regards, Simon
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